The Future Forward session is an exploration in different kinds of sciences in the sense of helping students to understand that they can, in fact, belong, and that folks like them have been doing science for a long time through a short presentation, as well as in the sense of looking at different things one can do in the sciences (physics, calculus, programming, etc) through citizen science (scientists asking the general public to help them in their work/training their AI models) and free computer programs) done through a virtual format for anyone interested. In a sense, allowing a low barrier to entry and allowing folks to explore no matter where they are.

The agenda is this:

5p-5:30p Brief presentation on different figures in science, engineering, and math that are well known (Albert Einstein, Neil de Grasse Tyson, Katherine Johnson, Averroes, Marie Curie, and others) and Jackson locals in the sciences (think Wilbur Dungy and James McDevitt).

5:30-6:15p Playing with programming or Citizen Science

6:15-6:30p Reflections